10 ways to start eating healthier in 2015

January 25, 2015

  1. Add vegetables to your breakfast and fruits to your lunch meal.
  2. Replace coffee with green tea
  3. Bake, grill, or roast, instead of frying
  4. Buy organic
  5. Bring lunch to work more often
  6. Have a piece of fruit instead of drinking commercial juice
  7. Don't skip breakfast
  8. Snack on fruits and nuts instead of sugary treats
  9. Add seeds to everything: salads, sandwiches, cereals...
10. Pay more attention to your portion sizes

First photo credit: Τϊζζ¥ via photopin cc (modified). Second photo edition with photos from pixabay, wikicommons, and creative commons


  1. These are all great tips. I like the idea of eating vegetables for breakfast instead of toast and jam.

  2. I love #5! I have free lunch where I work and I find myself navigating a lot towards the unhealthy option and overeating. I was just telling one of my co-workers that I'm going to start bring my lunch, that way I am in control of what I eat, and not my temptations and other people. Great post! :)

  3. very informative! thanks for sharing :)
    the photo number 10 is most amusing! im gonna save it so i always remember :)

