Magic garlic

January 25, 2016

I love garlic, it gives a delicious taste to almost everything: bread, rice, soups, even vegetables; and despite its strong aroma, using garlic on a regular basis can really add a boost to our health. Garlic strengthens the immune system, is good for heart diseases and atherosclerosis, kills some intestinal parasites, is antibacterial, and full of antioxidants. It's absolutely amazing!
I try to cook with it often (see one immune system booster soup recipe here). But every once in a while I like to eat it raw, especially when I start feeling the first symptoms of a cold. It's more potent that way. To avoid the strong flavor, I like to take two cloves, chop them in small pieces, and swallow them like pills without chewing them. 
So, if in these cold winter days, your throat is getting a garlic! I promise you will not regret it.

Do you know any other ways for consuming raw garlic?


  1. We also add garlic to meals as often as possible but the crushed garlic mixed with yogurt is my favorite.

  2. Garlic really is a super food, helps in a lot of bodily functions. I also love garlics and garlic bread with just a bit of sour cream dip is my all time favorite. I also love garlic pickle.
